Tony Cruise

This site provides support materials for the various books and tools that I have published directly or as Electric Adventures

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This is the public support site for the various books and tools that I have published, mostly to support the retro gaming community.

Classic Games Programming for the NES

This is my latest book where I go through the tools and steps need to start writing games for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 6502 Assembler.

Classic Games Programming for the NES Tony Cruise with a copy of the book

More details about the book

The Github repository for the book is: ProgrammingGamesForTheNES

Learning 6502 Assembler

To support readers learning 6502 Assembly Language I have put together an online 6502 Simulator/Assembler (based on the code of Stian Søreng’s and Nick Morgan) so that readers can see 6502 commands in action before we get to the part where we setup the NES hardware and get something displaying on screen.

Run the 6502 Simulator.

Programming Games for the ColecoVision

This book is all about the authors love of gaming and the want to share with fellow enthusiasts, the understanding of the steps and process that go into creating games. Perhaps the first of many volumes, this book aims to provide an overall guide on the steps required to start creating games for the ColecoVision 8-bit game console and its bigger cousin, the ColecoVision Adam Computer.

Programming Games for The Coleco

It will take you through each concept step-by-step, and rather than just being a technical guide, it will work through each stage with sample code and examples. The code presented, will focus on writing games using Z80 assembler, just like the developers of the original ColecoVision games used back in the day.

It is possible to use languages such as C or Pascal to make ColecoVision games, but that is beyond the scope of what is covered in this book.

In addition to the tutorial section, a full technical guide covering the BIOS built into both the ColecoVision and Adam, along with memory and port maps is included. Most BIOS calls include an example of usage or a reference to the tutorial section that covers it.

More details about the book

Available on Amazon here on Kindle, and print editions in Paperback or Hardback.

The Github repository for the book is: ProgrammingGamesForTheColeco

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